Thursday, November 18, 2010

What this Mission is all about.

Maitreya (GIWH) of the Mission of Maitreya briefly explains about the Eternal Divine Path. ;Free CD is offered and questions are welcomed.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Sign up for the Mission of Maitreya Newsbrief for the latest information
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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Too impatient to read? Here is a quick download for an introduction to what the Mission of Maitreya is all about: Introduction CD http://ftp//

Track one - LETTER TO HUMANITY sent to all the world leaders and influential people
Track three: THE MAITREYA - explains the Eternal Divine Path message


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

In a discussion room yesterday using, there was a very lively debate with an orthodox Jew about his thoughts. This debate also included another Jewish person living in Jerusalem who has been investigating other religions. It was absolutely astounding how much hate spewed forth from our orthodox friend who claimed Jews were the only chosen ones and they were to have nothing to do with anyone else. His Rabbi was his 'god' who told him everything to think and do and say and vehemently and with no regard dismissed everything else. He was willing to fight to the end for his viewpoint and never look at anything else. The whole world would follow the Torah only and that was that.

So sad,,,,unfortunately this is the state of most religions now. No wonder they are referred to as the 'dead religions' in The Revelation. Moslems kill because others are infidels and they think Moslems are the only way. They think the whole world should become Moslems and follow only the Koran. Jews for the same reason. Christians are waiting for a ticket to the sky and willing to 'leave behind' the rest of the world for the sake of their own beliefs. Everyone should just accept 'Jesus in their hearts as their personal savior and all will be well'. Most Hindus, Buddhist, and mystical path followers do not even recognize the reason for the coming of God's Messengers as the Messiahs who brought the rest of God's Plan.

With all the killing and 'eye for an eye' thinking, we are all pretty soon to be blind!!! The bomb or disease or climate change is not going to destroy us. Humanity is being destroyed by it's own narrow mind. The 'my way or the highway' Disease. Until this thinking is stopped, the world will continue in its downward spiral.

Technology at the same time is exploding. The new generation is now exposed to more than ever before about the connectiveness of everything. Previously, a person was born into a religion, grew up and died in the same mind set. Now, there is information at the touch of a finger - for the finger willing to explore and expand the mind.

Cure for the disease of the 'narrow mind' is simply to expand the mind with education and information about what all the religions say. Naturally every religion has ridiculous man made doctrines added which have to go. Some are hilarious and some are down right destructive. The priest class certainly took their rule seriously and we are experiening a modern day inquisition by desperate religious leaders. They threaten, kill, brainwash, and seduce their followers with promises of salvation, paradise, love, peace.

Eventually followers will wake up and smell the real culprit. Cult mentality has taken over the way religions are presented, but it cannot last for long. At the same time a new man is emerging who actually breaks thru the barriers of ignorance, limited thinking and cult mentality.

This new man will ask questions, think differently, see that religions each have a purpose. What would happen if a person sees the benefit of all of them as a giant puzzle and when put together actually is a huge realization of something that puts 'Da vincci Code' to a pale comparison.

It only takes a few peope to ask and expand their minds to start a new trend. Unification of all religions to One Path from One God. It is really so hard to comprehend?